
How To Make Small Text In Discord: A Step-By-Step Guide

How To Make Small Text In Discord

Discord is a popular communication platform, widely used by gamers, communities, and businesses to stay connected. It offers a variety of features, including the ability to format text in different styles to help users express themselves clearly. One of these formatting styles is making text appear smaller, which can be particularly useful for emphasizing or de-emphasizing certain parts of your message. This article will guide you on how to make small text in Discord and provide other helpful formatting tips to enhance your messages.

How To Make Small Text In Discord

Discord allows users to communicate in various ways, using plain text or rich formatting. One subtle yet effective form of text formatting is making text smaller. Small text can help make your messages cleaner, focus attention on important content, or even hide spoilers. While Discord doesn’t have a built-in “small text” button, there are simple techniques you can use to achieve this effect.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to make small text in Discord, step-by-step. Whether you’re sending a quick message to a friend or customizing your status, this small but effective trick can add a personal touch to your Discord experience.

To make small text in Discord, you’ll need to use a special formatting technique built into Discord’s markdown system. Markdown is a lightweight markup language that allows you to format text using simple characters. In Discord, this can be done with the spoiler tag.

  • Use The Spoiler Tag

  • The simplest way to create small text in Discord is by using the spoiler tag, which is often used to hide text that contains spoilers for games, movies, or other content.
  • To apply it, you simply need to wrap the text you want to make smaller inside double vertical bars ||.
  • For example:

||This is small text.||

  • When you send this message, the text will appear smaller and will be clickable (for others to reveal) as a spoiler.
  • Use Code Blocks For Small Text (Optional)

  • Another way to display small text is by using the “code block” feature. Code blocks are typically used to format programming code, but they can also be used for smaller text.
  • To use a single-line code block, wrap your text inside one backtick (`).
  • Example:

`small text here`

  • This method doesn’t make the text quite as small as the spoiler tag, but it does create a distinct style.
  • Using The Markdown System

Discord’s markdown system includes other formatting options, such as bold, italic, strikethrough, and underline. While these don’t directly change text size, they can be used in combination with small text formatting to emphasize or stylize the message.

Why Use Small Text In Discord?

Making text smaller in Discord can be useful for several reasons. Here are a few common use cases:

  • The most common use of small text is for spoilers, especially in gaming or movie-related discussions. This keeps your main message clean while allowing users to hide content they may not want to see.
  • You might want to subtly highlight or downplay parts of your message. Small text can give a more polished or intentional feel to certain phrases without overwhelming the entire conversation.
  • When communicating sensitive or personal information, using small text can make your message feel more discreet, giving the sender control over what is seen.

Tips For Formatting Text In Discord

In addition to making text small, here are a few formatting tips to improve your overall message design in Discord:

  • Bold Text: To make text bold, use double asterisks ** around the text. Example: **bold text**.
  • Italic Text: Use single underscores _ or asterisks * to make text italic. Example: _italic text_ or *italic text*.
  • Strikethrough Text: Use double tildes ~~ to create strikethrough text. Example: ~~strikethrough~~.
  • Underline Text: Use double underscores __ to underline text. Example: __underline text__.

By combining these techniques, you can create more dynamic and engaging messages in Discord.

Customizing Your Discord Experience

While small text is just one formatting trick available, Discord allows for deeper customization with user settings and bots. You can change your profile settings, set custom statuses, or use bots to automate or create additional text formatting features. This can enhance your experience on the platform, allowing you to express your personality or match the theme of your server.

For example, some bots may allow you to use additional markdown-like features that can provide unique formatting options not available by default in Discord. If you’re running your own server, this could be a fun way to add custom features.


Knowing how to make small text in Discord opens up a variety of possibilities for customizing your messages. Whether you want to hide spoilers or emphasize particular phrases, small text can help streamline your communication. By mastering Discord’s markdown formatting and using small text creatively, you can create a more organized and personalized messaging experience.


Why does my small text not show up as expected in Discord?

Small text should appear when you use the spoiler tag || around your text. If it doesn’t, make sure there are no spaces between the vertical bars and your text.

Can I make text even smaller than the spoiler text in Discord?

Discord’s default formatting options don’t allow for text smaller than what is produced by the spoiler tag. However, you can experiment with creative uses of formatting for emphasis.

Can other users see the small text immediately?

No, with the spoiler tag, the small text will be hidden behind a clickable link, so users can reveal it when they choose. It’s an optional feature that provides control over what others can view.

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